
GraFT-App Tutorials

GraFT-App Installation

Download our latest stand-alone or MATLAB App available here. Currently, we only have support for Windows Stand-Alone application.

Learn how to install GraFT-App on your system. Follow the step-by-step guide to get the application up and running.

System Recommendations

To fully utilize the parallel processing optimizations, CPU should have 4+ cores and 8+ logical processors, 16GB or more RAM, and a capable GPU.

System used for the creation of GraFT-App and its tutorials had the Intel i7 13700K (16 cores, 24 logical) CPU, 64GB DDR4 RAM, and NVIDIA's RTX-3080 GPU. You can compare your CPU at UserBenchmark.com here and your GPU here.


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    Amongst the various toolboxes required to run GraFT, there are a few other toolboxes that are recommended for faster, more efficient run times. Visit the official GraFT-Analysis website to view the most up-to-date information on dependencies.

    Note: Updating MATLAB versions sometimes results in toolbox pathing errors. If you update your system, ensure toolbox support is still present by going to the Add-On Manager (Home tab and select Add-Ons > Manage Add-Ons).

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    Download the Installer

    Visit the GraFT-App website and download the latest .mlappinstall file.

    To install an add-on in the MATLAB Current Folder browser, double-click the file. An installer opens to guide you through the installation process. Alternatively, under APPS tab, select Install App and select the .mlappinstall file.

    After installing, the GraFT app should be visible like shown in the image.

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Using Stand-Alone Application

Currently, only Windows OS has been tested and confirmed support for installing GraFT-App. Support for Linux and iOS is our top priority and will be coming soon.

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    Visit the GraFT-App website for installer download or simply click the download button above ('Win64 Stand-Alone'). This will download a file named: MyAppInstaller_web.exe. The '_web' within the name indicates that internet is required for initial installation.

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    Follow the instructions on the installer and specify a path if that is desired.

    Once downloaded, locate its location and double click GraFT_App to run. Alternatively, run GraFT_App.exe from the terminal to launch.


GraFT-App uses .mat files for storing parameters, results, and personal app settings. These can be loaded into MATLAB using the load(file_name) function or directly using the GraFT-App option. PARAMS files only contains parameter information while GRAFT files contain everything else data-specific such as original data, pre-processing settings, GraFT algorithm results, etc. Importantly, GRAFT files by default contain its associated PARAMS file.

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To minimize redundant data within GRAFT files, users can explicitly decide what is saved and what is discarded prior to saving results. Moreover, non-MATLAB users will have a choice to export these files as text or csv (currently in development).


    Holding all of the data pertaining to the current study is the .GRAFT.mat file. It's designed as a MATLAB Class object (Class GRAFT) where each property is organized to fit about a GraFT-analysis workflow.

    Each property within the GRAFT -mat type file is as follows: Data, PreProcess, GraFTed, Parameters, Log, About, and Encoding. Furthermore, each of these properties contain a MATLAB structure. More information regarding individual properties below.

    Users have complete control to decide what to save specifically from within each property.

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If user does not specify GRAFT study file name, the default structure for file is as follows: 'dict[number of components]_lda[sparsity constraint (lambda)]_lfb[component regularization (lamForb)] _lcr[temporal correlation regularization (lamCorr)]_date[month_day_year].GRAFT.mat.

GRAFT Property: Data

Contains original data as it was loaded in initially
Data prior to running GraFT algorithm
Array [rows, columns, frame] of original data size
2D matrix taken from the mean projection of .pre_graft dataset. If no .pre_graft data exists, it uses .original data. Used for quick plotting during GraFT-App pre-process.

GRAFT Property: About

Given study name
Creator name
Time GraFT algorithm was used

GRAFT Property: PreProcess

Name of motion correction method
Type of wavelet used for wavelet denoising
Wavelet order N as a positive integer from 2 to 45
Level of wavelet decomposition, specified as a positive integer: floor(log2N) where N is the number of samples in the data.
Method of estimating variance of noise in the data
Threshold rule used to shrink the wavelet coefficients. Valid options depend on denoising method
Contains original data and its size, as well as current

GRAFT Property: GraFTed

Spatial GraFT algorithm results
Temporal GraFT algorithm results
Dictionary learning reconstruction given GraFT algorithm coefficients
Absolute difference between pre-GraFT and GraFT results
Initialized as an array 1:N where N is the total number of components found by GraFt algorithm. Each integer corresponds to its ordered ROI (e.g 1 -> ROI-1, 3 -> ROI-3)
Initialized as an empty array. Can later be adjusted by manually labeling desired ROI as an artifact
Temporal results as an image
Temporal results as a stacked signal line plot
Mean projection of GraFT algorithm components only
Colored mean projection of GraFT algorithm components using distinguishable colors for ease of selecting

GRAFT Property: Encoding

Base path for data path loading
Loading type [File, Folder, GRAFT, S3]
For loading nested structures (such as .mat or h5 files). Allows for traversing into file. This holds last layer selected for nest
Nx1 list of strings of files chosen where N is the number of file(s) found in chosen folder/file
Problem identifier
String. Prevents double-loading of data
Structure for traversing nested file. Contains following fields: base (root) and field_name

GRAFT Property: Log

Contains comments and pre-processing techniques within GraFT-App. User editable
Contains comments by creator regarding parameter decisions. User editable
Contains comments regarding the analysis of GraFT algorithm results

  • GRAFT Property - PARAMS

    The .PARAMS.mat file format holds all the GraFT algorithm parameters that are user-configurable. Within the GraFT-App, the 'Parameters' tab will show all available variables and indicate when a crop or mask is present. Click on 'Detect' to update mask or crop status.

    To better identify the PARAMS file, users can specify within the text area next to 'Name'. As stated earlier, the PARAMS file is automatically linked to its associated GRAFT file. To save PARAMS independently, clicking the 'Save' button in the 'Parameters' tab will export the current parameter settings.

    The logic for having a .PARAMS file stems from the ease of sharing parameters between studies or users.

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Loading Types

There are three types of loading: Folder, File, and GRAFT. Upcoming updates will support remote data alternatives, such as AWS S3.

File Type Support

Loading data within GraFT-App depends on the type of file. Currently, GraFT-App only supports .tiff, .npg and h5.

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    To load entire directory, selecting Folder will allow for supported files within chosen folder be loaded. More information about a specific file will be shown in the right-most dialog box after a selection. If all files are uniform within the directory, 'All' > 'Select' will be made available.

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    For individual files, either a TIFF image stack, individual .mat or h5 file, select File. For particular file types with nested structures, such as .mat or h5, further options will be shown for selecting correct fieldnames that contain desired data.

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    GRAFT Object

    Lastly, it's possible to load GRAFT objects, which are native .mat-type files used for GraFT-App results. After running and saving results into a GRAFT file, it is possible to load data saved within for further analysis.

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View the dialog box for system updates regarding proper loading. To load new file, selecting New Load button will reset GraFT-App and all its tabs.

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Pre-Processing with GraFT-App

Useful techniques that GraFT-App offers for pre-processing calcium imaging data includes Motion Correction and Wavelet Denoising. Spatial filtering and baseline correction will also be available in future updates. These can be accessed through the Pre-Processing tab.

For specific pre-processing pipelines, it may be better suited for users to upload their processed data. GraFT algorithm results can change significantly due to pre-processing approaches.

Furthermore, GraFT-App allows users to alter data size via mask creation and data cropping options.

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Altering Data Size

GraFT-App offers crop and mask options for further sub-selection of the loaded data, but they behave rather differently from each other. Crop will trim data that is currently loaded whereas mask will only take effect AFTER pre-processing (internally within GraFT algorithm).

Note: Consider timing of pre-processing techniques, such as performing motion correction before cropping, for best results. Crop and mask are mutually exclusive.

When crop is used, it will be reflected in the GraFT parameters. Specifically within the accompanying PARAMS file, the rectangle coordinates used will be saved under the 'crop' field. Rectangle coordinates indicate the size and position of the cropped rectangle as a 4-element numeric vector of the form [xmin ymin width height].

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Running GraFT Algorithm

For specific pre-processing pipelines, it may be better suited for users to upload their processed data. GraFT algorithm results can change significantly due to pre-processing approaches.

Analysing GraFT Algorithm Results

In this section, we cover the tools used for analyzing GraFT-Algorithm results. To save time, it's advised to check all ROIs and reconstructed videos prior to saving to GRAFT file.


The top two plots depict the entire ROIs found. The top left plot shows the overlaid spatial results, with each ROI taking a unique distinguishable color. The top right plot shows the ROIs' temporal counterparts in a stacked line plot. The same colored ROI from the distinguishable colors plot coincides with the same colored line plot when viewed in the 'Line' Temporal View Mode.

The second option 'Image' for Temporal View Mode treats the temporal values as a scaled image, with each row representing a new ROI.

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  • Viewing ROIs

    Upper right plot behaviour

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